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Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 10

Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 10

Saksham Bansal, 12 August 2019

This week has been productive. I was able to finish the regularizers PR and it has been merged. I was able to complete the work for CGAN<> after implemneting a Concat<> visitor and have also a written a test for that. After we can successfully produce results from the CGAN I think that would also be ready for merge. I think the major task that remains would be checking the gradient issue in GAN as pointed out by Toshal. I have also kept my other PRs on Padding<> and MinibatchDiscrimination layers updated. The work there is complete however is blocked as we are unable to support more than 50 layer types at the momemt. Hopefully we can find a solution in the coming weeks.