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Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 3

Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 3

Saksham Bansal, 18 June 2019

This week I worked on finishing my implementation of VirtualBatchNormalization. The main difficulty was in writing the implementation of the Backward method. I was able to consult the implemnentation of the BatchNorm layer as a reference. I also looked at the implementations of the VirtualBatchNormalization layer in Tensorflow and Pytorch. The implementation of my Gradient method is correct as I verified through the numerical gradient test however the Backward method is still not working correctly. I hope to resolve this issue in the coming week. In the meantime I was able to find a bug in the implementation of the BatchNorm layer and fix it.

I also started working on regularizers and opened a PR. I have added support for L1 and L2 regularizers and hope to add support for orthogonal regularization in the coming week which should not take much time once the design is finalized.