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Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 4

Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 4

Saksham Bansal, 25 June 2019

This week I mainly debugged my VirtualBatchNorm code as the numerical gradient test was failing. I was re-checking my derivations on paper and getting the same results as before. I checked my implementation where I couldn't find any problems. Later I discovered that I had made a silly mistake in the model for the numerical gradient test. I was adding a Linear<> layer of input size 10 whereas the output from the previous layer had size 5. After fixing the model, the numerical gradient test started to pass.

Additionally, I did some more work on the regularizers and making changes to my currently opened PRs. In the upcoming week I hope to finish with the regularizers PR and start working on spectral normalisation which seems more mathematically challenging.