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Implementing Essential Deep Learning Modules - Week 3

Implementing Essential Deep Learning Modules - Week 3

Toshal Agrawal, 18 June 2019

This week was quite productive from my previous week. I have completed the implemenation of Weight Norm Layer in this week. It was my first layer. I got quite familiar with the layer API. Also as weight norm will have a layer inside I was required to ensure that the proper calls to the wrapped layer are also made.

The main challenge during it's correct implemenation was in it's gradient testing. I was required to provide an offset to check the gradients,because the weights of the wrapped layer are intialized with respect to the vector and scalar parameter of the weight norm layer. Finding the need to do this was quite somewhat challenging as it got somewhat difficult to find the error. Also while testing it I also found lot of small syntactic mistakes in my implemenation.

I also worked on fixing the radical test. I wrote a small bash script for reproducing the error. While working on it, I also got to know what Singular Value Decomposition and Whitening is. ICA and PCA are quite interesting topics.

In the upcoming week I am going to implement Frechet Inception Distance for measuring the performance of GANs. It would be quite interesting thing to work on as it may involve working on Inception Model.