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Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks - Week 11

Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks - Week 11

Konstantin Sidorov, 17 August 2017

As we keep approaching the finale of the GSoC program, the HAM work also gets deeper into the implementation stage. For instance, we have finally implemented and tested the implementation of HAMUnit forward pass.

Right now, we're trying to implement the backward pass, but there is still a technical question about the representation of the HAM parts. The current ideas are:

  • Adding FFN to LayerTypes. Although the declaration becomes template-less, it has a drawback of not supporting FFN<T> for all T.
  • Using FFN objects "as-is" (e.g., calling their Forward and Backward methods). This is a rather straightforward approach (which I'm following right now to simplify matters), but it has a drawback of constrainting to FFN models.
  • Taking FFN objects and storing their layers separately. This approach fixes the drawbacks of the previous two approaches, but it doesn't seem easy to implement - and also we still have to figure out if we do need it in the HAM setting.

So, the final week is going to be interesting - hope to get things done! :)