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Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks - Week 7

Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks - Week 7

Konstantin Sidorov, 18 July 2017

This week featured even more fixes for baseline model. The most notable achievement is that we've finally managed to make an LSTM model that would be able to completely learn the CopyTask (even for maximum length and repetitions parameters).

To this end, several small (but important) changes had to be implemented:

  • The CrossEntropyError layer - earlier the model was learned on MSE objective. Cross entropy penalizes the mistakes sharper than MSE (e.g., assigning 0 probability to the true label results in +infinity loss with cross entropy and in only +1 loss with MSE).
  • Gradient clipping - to rectify the problem of objective explosion, all gradient components that were bigger in absolute value than some fixed number were replaced with that value. In math: g0 = min(max(g, minValue), maxValue).

Also, the model was transferred to MiniBatchSGD from Adam - the latter exposed gradient explosion problem, which resulted in a heavy overfitting.

To avoid the overfitting problem completely, the testing scheme was changed. Here's what happens now on every training epoch:

  • The model is trained on some train samples;
  • After that, the model is evaluated on validation set (we use three datasets, not two);
  • If this iteration gave the best validation score, run it on the test set and record the score on it.

In other words, now we pick the best model among all the model that were visited during training.

Also, now there is a stub (non-functional so far) for highway layer, as proposed in arxiv paper.

I think now the task API & representation problem is more or less solved. Now we switch to the long-waited part - HAM unit implementation. (As I mentioned in the IRC chat, we already have a head start with ready API for HAM unit + implemented and tested memory structure for it). Stay tuned!