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String Processing Utilities - Week 08-09

String Processing Utilities - Week 04 - 06

Jeffin Sam, 29 July 2019

The Post would contain updates from Week 08 and 09, So let's start.

The previous week was interesting, Thanks to Mikhail, he did a benchmark on my PR1814 and found out some interesting results. He will make apt changes and merge the PR.

For the string Cleaning PR, I made some changes such as the use of Log:: Fatal instead of throw and other some minor changes. Coming week I have to benchmark some function similar to what Mikhail did, I am trying to get used to google benchmark, and also learning how to use it. Also after the PR1814 is merged I will try to complete other encodings soon.

Also, happy I passed the second evaluation :). Maybe I am not on track but hopping to up the anty in last phase.

Thank you :)