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Visualization Tool - Week 06-07

Visualization Tool - Week 06 - 07

Jeffin Sam, 19 July 2020

Sorry for being late in updating the blogs, but this Post would contain updates from Week 06 and 07, So let's start.

So the image-support-pr was merged, and last week two new pr was raised which was to add support for embedding-summary and also prcurve-summary. Hopefully, we would be able to merge all the three PRs including the PR for text-summary.

In the upcoming week, I would like to debug an error in embedding-support pr and would target adding histogram summary. So My target would be two add all the support before entering in the third phase.

And in the third phase, I would focus on writing a ensmallen callback to log the data and then all clean up if there are any and improve testing if coverage if possible.

Thank you :)