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Visualization Tool - Week 08-11

Visualization Tool - Week 08 - 11

Jeffin Sam, 16 August 2020

Sorry for being late in updating the blogs, but this Post would contain updates from Week 08 through 11, So let's start.

Over the week we were able to merge two PRs, the first one was text-support and then prcurver-support.

Also we have a pr for embedding-support, ready to be merged and hope full would be merge this week.

Two fresh PR's were raised, the first one was for histogram-support and then mlbaord_logger-callback. The callback is the last agenda on our list before the program ends.

Lastly before the program ends we had some stretch goals, we would like to acheive that too. A bit of cleaning also needs to be done such as improving cmake, there are some issues raised about it such as and

Thank you :)