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Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 2

Implementing Improved Training Techniques for GANs - Week 2

Saksham Bansal, 10 June 2019

This week I worked mainly on finishing MiniBatchDiscrimation layer. I was able to optimize my previous implementation by using stored results and avoiding re-computation. My work on Highway layer is nearly complete and has been approved by ShikharJ. Hopefully it should be merged by next week. My work on Inception Score is also complete but needs to be tested. I am still not sure regarding how testing will be carried out for the metrics but hopefully that would become more clear over next week. I have also started implementing VirtualBatchNormalization layer side by side and will open a PR for it by next week.

Also while implementing new layers another problem has shown up. boost::variant can only handle up to 50 types and the number of layers for ANN have quickly exceeded that limit. As I will be working on adding many new layers over the coming weeks it is important to find a solution to the problem. One quick solution to the problem is boost::make_variant_over which exposes a variant whose bounded types are elements of Sequence. I tried working on this but my general lack of experience with metatemplate programming and knowledge about boost::mpl proved to be fatal as I was unable to debug the cryptic messages that were produced after multiple trial and errors.

In the coming weeks I hope to start working on introducing regularisers for layers in mlpack API. I have started testing design ideas for introducing regularizers and I think that regularisers could fit easily inside the mlpack ANN modules.