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Implementing Essential Deep Learning Modules - Week 12 and 13

Implementing Essential Deep Learning Modules - Week 12 and 13

Shikhar Jaiswal, 12 August 2018

We're finally here at the end of our GSoC journey. During the last two weeks as well, the progress had been a bit slow, as I became more involved in my semester studies and preparing for my industrial internship interviews.

We are currently still in progress with the CIFAR-10 test on SSRBM, and the DualOptimizer PR. I had a talk with Atharva with respect to refactoring the Gradients() method of the Convolution and AtrousConvolution layers. The PR is review ready and should be merged shortly.

Apart from these two tasks, we have been experiencing a test failure of the RBM module on the mlpack testbench, which we are investigating as well. These tasks would be worked upon after the GSoC period ends. I also had a couple of additional goals that I wished to implement, namely StackGAN, SeqGAN and Deep Belief Networks. I hope to stay with the community, and keep contributing to its infrastructure.

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