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Proximal Policy Optimization - Week 1

Proximal Policy Optimization - Week 1

Unknown, 02 June 2019

The goal of my summer project is to implementing the proximal policy optimization algorithm (PPO). PPO is a new family of policy gradient methods for reinforcement learning, which alternate between sampling data through interaction with the environment, and optimizing a “surrogate” objective function using stochastic gradient ascent.

For the first week, I finished the review comments in PER. such as, changing all variable name to camel style, adding parameters description and fixing the code style problem. I add the basic skeleton layout for the loss function, and begin to add BOOST test case for the PPO algorithm. Besides, I fix the compiler warning when building the mlpack on the fly.

For the original schedule:

1: Reading related research papers to get a more robust view of the problem. Finished some paper reading, such as the original PPO paper. Finished some article reading, such as Spinning Up PPO.

2: Discussing with mentors and get a final idea on how to approach the problem. Having an original idea and will build up the project step by step.

3: Setting up the development environment, get familiar with mlpack's coding practices. Already done when contributing to the mlpack project.

4: Writing a skeleton layout of the algorithm to implement. Writing a basic skeleton for the loss function.

I am trying to make the code more compatible with the mlpack API, so maybe some late with what I expect. I will devoted more time on it next week. Thanks for reading.