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NEAT & Multiobjective Optimization - Week 8

NEAT & Multiobjective Optimization - Week 8

Rahul Ganesh, 22 July 2019

This week, I completed all the loose ends of the NEAT project, and it is mostly ready for a proper review. The tasks I mentioned in the last blog have been completed, besides the code for the executable. This is because there is currently no good way to pass a task to NEAT in the python bindings,making it impossible to use NEAT on anything besides the currently existing RL environments.

The next step is to revise the code and solidify my ideas for the multi-objective optimization framework by discussing them with my mentors. By next week I imagine I'll be working on the optimization framework while also making small changes and addressing comments on NEAT.

Today's blog is short, since I'm sick and have also been very busy with some passport-related work, which is also why I'm posting this a bit late. Sorry about that, I'll have more to write next week for sure.

Thanks for reading!