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Quantum Gaussian Mixture Models - Week 1

Quantum Gaussian Mixture Models - Week 1

Sangyeon Kim, 01 June 2019

As I said in the Community Bonding Period report, the work of week 1 is to plot the 3D probability space to visualize and check the interference phenomena of QGMM more clearly.

To draw the 3D probability space, I implemented the GMM and QGMM Python codes.

You can check them at

Below are the 3D probability spaces of GMM and QGMM.

[Classical GMM]

I checked the 3 cases when phis are 0, 90, and 180 degree. Below are the results

[Quantum GMM]

At the above Quanmtum GMM images, we can see how much phis will impact on the distribution shape. Especially, when the phi is equal to 90 degree, the GMM and QGMM's probability space looks similar.

Next week, I will normalize the probability of QGMM and visualize it to check if differences between unnormalized and normalized distributions.

Thanks for reading :)