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Quantum Gaussian Mixture Models - Week 6

Quantum Gaussian Mixture Models - Week 6

Sangyeon Kim, 05 July 2019

This week, I implemented QGMM. In this implementation, the goal is to minimize the objective function (16) in the paper. The mentor recommends me to try the objective function optimization with approximation constant like Lagrange multiplier.

The source code is at

There are 3 python files and 1 dataset file. In the has some utils for running QGMM and in the is a utils function to draw the results of training. Lastly, the is to test the performance of training.

The objective equation to minimize is NLL + lambda * sum of probabilities - 1.



To make QGMM more robust, some methods are necessary to initialize parameters properly and solve positive definite covariance problems in Cholesky decomposition.

Thanks for reading :)