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Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search - Week 10

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search - Week 10

Marcos Pividori, 03 August 2016

Last week, I have implemented Spill trees with axis-orthogonal splitting hyperplanes [1].

I created a new class SpillSearch that provides an interface similar to NeighborSearch but with an extension to properly set the tau parameter. It encapsulates an instance of NeighborSearch.

Also, I have implemented a new version of NeighborSearchRules specialized for Spill Trees, because I needed to modify the methods:

+) Score() to consider splitting hyperplanes when calculating the score for overlapping nodes.

+) CalculateBounds() to ignore $B_2$ bound (we can not use $B_2$ bound for Spill Trees).

Single Tree Search:

The SingleTreeTraverser is similar to the implementation for BinarySpaceTree. The difference is in the implementation of NeighborSearchRules for SpillTrees. When calculating the score of a query point and a reference node I consider 2 cases:

+) If the reference node is non-overlapping, I calculate the score the same than before.

+) If the reference node is overlapping, I analyze the reference node's half space. If it contains the given query point, I return 0 (best score). Else, I return DBL_MAX (prune). As we consider axis-orthogonal splitting hyperplanes, we can decide which child node to traverse in O(1), analising the appropriate dimension.

Dual Tree Search:

The Query tree is built without overlapping.

When calculating the score of a query node and a reference node, I consider 2 cases:

+) If the reference node is a non-overlapping node, I calculate the score the same as before.

+) If the reference node is a overlapping node, I analyze query node's bounding box. If it intersects the reference node's half space, I return 0 (best score). Else, I return DBL_MAX (prune). As the reference spill tree is built with axis-orthogonal hyperplanes and the query tree considers hrect bounds, we can make this decision in O(1) time.

The DualTreeTraverser is slightly different to the implementation for BinarySpaceTree. When referenceNode is a overlapping node and we can't decide which child node to traverse, this means that queryNode is at both sides of the splitting hyperplane, we analyse the queryNode:

+) If queryNode is a non-leaf node, I recurse down the query node.

+) If queryNode is a leaf node, I do single tree search for each point in the query node.

The DualTreeTraverser is faster than the SingleTreeTraverser, specially when the value of tau increases.

The extension was incorporated to existing mlpack_knn. With actual implementation, we can use *"-t spill"* to consider spill trees and *"--tau 0.1"* to set different values for the overlapping size (default value is tau=0).

I have made a pull request with this implementation in: [2].

I plan to work next days in these topics:

+) Implement another version of SpillTrees to consider general hyperplanes (not necessarily axis-orthogonal), using BallBound instead of HrectBound, and holding a projection vector in each node.

+) Add a command line flag *"--get_real_error"* to compare the approximate neighbor search against the naive method and print the real relative error, so we can test with differents values of tau and see the difference.

Follow the progress in: [1].