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Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search - Week 3

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search - Week 3

Marcos Pividori, 13 June 2016

Last week, I finished the extension for approximate neighbor search [1].

Mainly, I modified the code to include an epsilon value, which represents the accepted relative error. It is considered by the prune rules when deciding if a given node combination should be analyzed.

When doing dual tree search, the best between the modified $B_1$ bound (with epsilon) and the original $B_2$ bound is chosen. As was discussed in [2], with actual implementation, $B_2$ can not be relaxed to include the epsilon value.

Then, I added many test cases with different values of epsilon and different kind of trees (KDTree/BallTree/CoverTree), checking the relative error between the approximated results and the true best candidates.

The command line tools: mlpack_knn and mlpack_kfn, were updated to include an extra option "-e", to specify the relative error (default value: 0). We have been discussing about which approximation parameters use for KFN in [3].

Also, I have been working improving existing code for NSModel, as was suggested by Sumedh in [4]. After considering many options, boost variant seems to be the most appropiate.

Next week, I plan to continue working improving existing code and checking some details. Also, I will do some comparisons in performance of exact vs approximate neighbor search.