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Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search - Week 2

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search - Week 2

Marcos Pividori, 05 June 2016

Last week we finished the discussion about neighbor search's bounds [1]. I updated existing code to consider slighty different bounds. Then, I compared the performance, using the benchmarking system with a modification to measure the number of base cases for ALLKNN/ALLKFN. Results shown exactly the same num of base cases for many datasets, so we decided to go ahead and merge it.

Then, I continued working in existing neighbor search code, updating the dual tree algorithm to do approximate nearest neighbor search. I modified the prune rule to include a relative error, as mentioned at the end of the paper [2], with a general implementation that works for both kfn and knn [3].

As we are doing approximate search, we can prune more than when an exact solution is required. For example, for knn, we consider the prune rule:

Prune if $d_{min}(N_q, N_r) > ( 1 / (1 + ) ) * B_1(N_q)$.

Next week, I plan to continue working in the implementation of aprox knn, adding many test cases. Once everything is ready, I will merge it into the main repository.